Sunday 13 October 2024

4 Reasons Why I Prefer Hostels to Airbnb

As a solo traveler, I prefer staying at hostels instead of the ever popular Airbnb. 

I have friends who always opt for Airbnbs whenever they travel, even when they're travelling solo. They like the interiors of the accommodation (Instagrammable!), they like the privacy and facilities that Airbnb offers, etc. Well, to each his/her own.

Here, I list down four reasons why hostels are my favorite type of accommodation whenever I travel.

Reason #1 - Hostels are economical

Travelling can be expensive, especially when travelling to a country which has a stronger currency compared to the currency in which we're earning.

Coming from Malaysia and travelling to countries in Scandinavia or Western Europe may burn deep holes in my pocket. One way to manage travelling expenses is to opt for economical options such as hostels.

If I'm travelling with a companion or two, it would make sense to stay at an Airbnb because the cost is shared. However, that option would be costly for a solo traveler as I'll have to solely bear the cost. Therefore, hostels offer the most economical option for solo travelers.

Having said that, in some cheaper countries, the price of a private room with ensuite bathroom may be equivalent to the price of a dorm bed in a more expensive country. If I'm travelling those cheaper countries, I'll usually select the private room.

My first experience staying at an Airbnb was in Japan (June 2017). We selected that option because my travel partner wanted to experience it. Our Airbnb in Tokyo was located in this building. Pardon the garbage bags in the photo.

Reason #2 - Hostels are the place to meet fellow travelers

In many of my trips, I've met other wonderful travelers at the hostels where I stayed. We exchange travel stories and travel tips. And if we connect, we go out for meals and drinks, and even do day-trips together. 

During my trip to Central Asia in March, I visited five cities in four different countries. When I was in Dushanbe, Tajikistan there were only three other travelers at Bruce Hostel where I stayed. So the four of us went out for meals and drinks and had deep conversations about life. We can never be alone at hostels.

On the other end of the personality pole, I understand that staying at hostels may not be everyone's preference especially for introverts, private people, or people who have a general dislike for other homo sapiens. For people with such personalities, staying at Airbnb or hotels makes them feel comfortable.

I stayed at Soul Kitchen hostel when I was in Saint Petersburg, Russia (Sept 2018). The large common area/living room was a great place to meet other travelers. I snapped this photo at around 5:00pm when all the travelers were out.

Reason #3 - Hostels are a good source of information 

Whenever I arrive at a particular city or town for the first time, I usually look for information such as how to get to a particular location, are there local tours, the best eateries serving local delicacies, etc. Hostels usually have such information readily available. More established hostels even organize in-house activities for their guests such as walking tours, pub crawls, and cooking classes.

I stayed at Tree House Hostel in Riga, Latvia (Sept 2018). I love the white color interiors which makes it look immaculate. Posting the pic here, just because.

Reason #4 - Safety / Help is at hand

Whenever I travel solo, safety would be a priority. 

If I stay at hostels, I can always seek help from the staff or from other travelers staying at the hostel. For instance, when I was in Cairo in February 2008, local men tried to chat me up, and some even followed me. I remember one guy asked me to help him promote his tour business. Another became aggressive when I politely turned down his offer to see his souvenir shop. Whenever it gets overwhelming and I feel that my safety is being compromised, I would quickly return to my hostel. In all of those instances, the men stopped following me.

If I stay at an Airbnb, I would be alone in the unit. If anything untoward happens such as a health situation, or an accident, there won't be anyone around where I can seek immediate help. 

In spite of the peace of mind that staying in hostels offers, there are certain hostels without a reception or staff. For example, when I was in Malta in December 2023, both the hostels that I stayed in did not have staff. Instead, instructions to check-in, the code to access the main door, how to find the dorm and bed, location of bathroom, etc. were communicated via WhatsApp prior to my check-in date. If I needed anything, I would have to either text the person who sent me those instructions, or ask the other travelers at the hostel. I find this way of operating a hostel impersonal and there's no immediate place to seek help if I needed it. 

Certain hostels provide travel warnings to their guests, like this signage at Wombat's The City Hostel in Budapest, Hungary (Oct 2019).

Now that I've shared four reasons why I prefer hostels to Airbnb, let me know in the comments section which is your favorite type of accommodation. 

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