I use the name Winter Swallow in my blog's URL. Now, where did I get the name from? What is the significance of the name?
Let me explain ...
My full name is Julie Lim Seet Yin, and yes, Julie is the name in my identity card, birth certificate, passport, baptism certificate, etc. Julie is not a glamour name that many Chinese people like to put in front of their Chinese name. It is my 'real' name. I get asked that a lot, you know.
If you translate my Chinese name into English, you'll need to break it up into two parts: (Lim) and (Seet Yin). So ...
- (Lim) means Wood or Tree or Forest; and
- (Seet Yin) means Winter Swallow
So now you know ...
Thats a revealation indeed.Julie is a very beautiful name, know a lot of Indian girls with that name, reminds me of Juliet always.I think all the Hindi movie goers aged currently 30 and above, all wud love the name Julie as it was the name of a Hindi flick in the 80s with beautiful songs and the actress who played Julie, the main charater, was on every man's(boy's) mind.She was on my mind too,till I met you......
*Blush* *Blush*
Thanks for the compliments, Mr Sree :-) I was named after that Shakin Steven's song, Julie. Got to thank my late dad for that.
Hi Winter Swallow, I love this callsign....somehow it reminds me of soft clouds, weeping willows beside a slow running river.
Oh ya, was at JT's and always cannot resist a lovely lady's attractive pic, your profile pic, I busybody over, ha ha.
Glad I did....but in a way I did know a girl long ago with the name 'Julie'....so just to ha ha....double check.
You keep well and have a great week, best regards, Lee.
Hi U.Lee (I presume it stands for Uncle Lee),
Sometimes I think choosing Winter Swallow as my blog's URL would make me sound cold and boring. But hey, at least someone likes it ;-)
And although I'm not the 'Julie' you met many years ago, I'm glad you dropped by, hehehe.
See you around in blogosphere.
oo yeah, i know exactly what you mean. My hubby, when he first met me, went "WHAT chinese person has LETTICIA as a name? Surely it's ( like you said, nama glamour ) something you came up with after the fact." I had to show him my birth cert that had LETTICIA on it before he would believe me. LOL!
aiyo Julie, at least ur NOT here in the US. If not jenuh kena explain tht ur surname is Lim not Yin. they wud insist tht ur last name is Yin. bengong! *roll eyes*
Because in the US the surname always comes at the back, right? And the Chinese have theirs in the front. The East and West are always at opposites.
I agree with your hubby - Which Chinese person would have the name 'Letticia' ;-)
But it definitely makes you unique.
There was a Letticia, in Legal, in Bursa who migrated down under with her husband who was with Bursa too.Can you remember? Letticia sounds so musical whereas Julie, so romantic as Juliet.Anyway Romeo is in HK from tom to Wed.
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